Paul Winter School

The new Paul-Winter-School is located just outside the gates of the city of Neuburg and includes a sports hall, outdoor sports arenas, a canteen, and rooms for all-day care in addition to the school's spatial program. The building is situated in an open, landscaped environment on the southern outskirts near the historic Sternschanze and responds to the topography of the location with differentiated areas that are integrated into a modelled learning and movement landscape. The harmonious integration of all building blocks into the environment is the model for the design of the new secondary school, which follows a free order and is divided into smaller parts of the building where individuals can find their place.

The terrain falls from northwest to southeast by around 28 meters, resulting in the distribution of the individual functional building blocks on the property. The various functional areas are lined up along Kreuter Weg in the south and accessed from there. The specialist classrooms on the entrance floor have fine, projecting roof edges that guide visitors to the main entrance area. The heart of the school is the auditorium and playground, which follow the natural terrain and are spread over two levels in the middle of the school campus. The canteen, multi-purpose room, library, music rooms, and all-day areas are grouped on different levels along the school street and can be flexibly assigned to each other for various events.

The specialist classes are located on the ground floor in their building wings and push themselves into the landscape as "green fingers." The double sports hall is partially buried as a building wing in the western area of the site on Kreuter Weg, with outdoor sports areas located above. All development areas can be included in daily pedagogical work.

Outdoor areas and playgrounds with terrace benches merge with the landscape, creating individual common areas. The courtyard is "protected" below the Sternschanze in the middle of the entire complex, with spacious learning and exercise space that is topographically shaped, freely playable, and flexibly usable. School life is carried in and out of the building as a flowing communication space for all visitors, with a connection to the landscape and greenery at every point. The facade only serves as a thermal barrier from the inside to the outside, largely transparent, giving the impression of an open learning landscape with a glass curtain.